Make Email Your ultimate Converter and sidekick

We will maximize your profits with email marketing.
Since 2016, we’ve been helping brands take bigger bites with email marketing.

At Hippo, our team comprises experts in marketing automation, customer journeys, website development, data analysis & structures, integrations, strategy, and creative services. Get the whole package in one Hippo!

some of our best works

Our main services

Let the numbers speak

average conversion rate​
0 %
average roi rate
0 X
average open rate
0 %
Emails built and sent
0 +
Systems we work with
0 +
Satisfied customers
0 +
Successful customer
0 +

?Why Hippo

Our blood type is DATA.
We deal with marketing automation, customer journeys, website development, data analysis & structures, integrations, strategy, and creative. We’ll work with you to define and achieve your marketing goals!

SYSTEMS WE work with

Be hippo-active and reach for better campaigns

03-3760226 | Barukh Hirsch St 16, Bnei Brak | [email protected]

יאללה הוצאנו את הבלונים!

איזה כיף שהתעניינת בקורס,
שלחנו לך מייל עם כל הפרטים :)

אנחנו נשכנע את הבוס שלך🫰 זה Win-Win!


שלחנו מייל שכנוע לבוס\ית שלך, אנחנו עובדים על זה, נתעדכן בקרוב.